YPK: Amazing Do Re Mi Song : April 28, 2009
ルシアノ先生よりToday the kids started the day full of energy as usual.
First thing in the morning the toddlers and rompers 1 had their morning circle where he went hrough the abc song, weather song, five little ducks (they love that one) and then they requested "Everybody Jump", one of their favourites.
After that, David taught them a new song/dance: "walking walking, hop hop hop" and they all did really well. During the ABC song, K.F. was very enthusiastic and surprised the teachers with his
During free play time, R.S. and M.M. were playing house, and while R.S. was "cooking", she was singing the do re mi song, from "the Sound of Music" film soundtrack! (the older kids learnt that song last December).
It is amazing how much they pick up unconsciously.